Why our hearts are broken

Why our hearts are broken

Nowadays when we as Christian go to Sunday meetings we would often hear the traditional ‘’I know you carried your problems in here, I know life has been hard this week, I know people treated you wrong.’’ Dan Mohler has another perspective on these matters. The reason we would give his opinion is that he is quite a different type of preacher. He is not a prosperity pastor, or a pastor that is leading one of the biggest churches in The States. What distinguishes him from the rest is that he knows God, walks with Him, and has a real intimate relationship with Him. 

If you go to Dan’s meetings and you share with him that your heart is hurt because somebody didn’t treat you right, he would ask you: ‘’Why do you even put this on you? You should never have any of that at all.’’ We are always coming up with reasons why our hearts got to be broken because Jesus heals the brokenhearted.’’ What Dan is asking us here is: Why don’t we teach people why they don’t have to have a broken heart? 

Here is why our hearts are broken: because we often need one another for identity; we need one another for acceptance; we need one another for value. We put our trust in men because we are getting what we need from men. So if sometimes that doesn’t work, our hearts get broken. Psychology might tell you that’s all the way it is. The Gospel says that this is never the way it is. We should never put our trust in the flesh, we should never need anybody to find out who we are because we can only find ourselves through Jesus. We were made through Jesus. Nothing was ever made that wasn’t made through Him. We cannot find the truths about us apart from Him! The most we can find is temporal security, safe haven аnd temporal rest for our soul because we are in a place that feels safe. But we will never be free because if that changes, we will change as well. 

So what happens is that we live for that safe haven but we never seem to find it, so our hearts get hurt, we act like we don’t care but we do care. We put up superficial walls, we only let certain people close because we have been burned before. But instead we should only imagine the walls Jesus would have had to have if He felt hurt. 

The reason Dan is getting so passionate about this topic is that we are celebrating Jesus, we are worshiping Him, we are excited that He forgave us of sin and died on the cross. So if that’s all true and He is worthy of our praise and worthy of our worship, He is worthy of our lives, He is worthy of us worshiping Him with our lives. He is worthy of our attitudes, He is worthy of perspective and motives. He is worthy of it all! So the only way that we can truly follow Him is to walk in love. 

We don’t follow Him just because we are praying for the sick. We should not take account of suffered wrongs. We should not be heaping up a checklist against people; we should not pray for another job because we are mad at the one we work at; or because we can’t stand our boss and he is mistreating us so we are ready to get an attorney. Instead, we are on that job to shine, to show mercy, to love, to make peace. We are called to shine and walk in love in everything we do. We are called to be like Him.

Dan is sharing with us that he worked two secular jobs since he was saved. It was the easiest thing he could imagine. Dan stepped out of pastoring for a while because he didn’t understand some ‘’church stuff’’ when he was still quite new in the faith. Church felt for him like a business, some things were violating his heart. He says it was just easy to be in darkness, he enjoyed it. He didn’t mind when people were cursing and swearing, and said they were atheists. The reason was that Jesus is in him and so he got bigger confidence than their unbelief.  

Sometimes when Dan talks it sounds like he is angry at us - Christians but he loves us and he wants us to find the truth about Christianity. He believes that we are here on this Earth to stir up in love and good works; that we are here to stay focused on God, get real, and have a reality check. We need to make sure that we are not subdued by religion and that we are not in a form of thing without becoming the thing. If we let church attendance take the place of knowing Him, we will never walk as He walked; we will never love as He loved; we will hurt like we always hurt but we will still sing the songs that we sing at church today. 


What Dan is trying to tell us is that there are church meetings all over the Earth today. The real issue is that we don't go to church because it's Sunday and we have to go. We go to church because we are fine-tuning and sharpening, we are a part of something and there is an army rising up. We don’t compromise and there is a world out there that needs light and love, not frustration and complaining. That is why we are here. This thing cost Jesus His life so that we could put His life in us so we could let our light so shine. So the goal isn’t to get in an atmosphere where we feel Him - He is in us! Basically if the closest experience we have is worship service, we are missing communion with God. We might love a certain church because the worship is amazing and we feel the Lord - but we could have felt Him even when we woke up. There is so much more to experience in life with God than just church attendance. 

Dan appreciates and loves the worship but if we were all living like Dan says, what do you think worship could look like? What would our corporate setting be if we are just all walking in love living by the spirit and synergistically come together and Jesus is already amazing in our hearts? Then we wouldn’t keep hurt in our hearts, we wouldn't be angry and annoyed. We would walk in love and love like Jesus loves us. 

I’d love to know what you think about that and if you have other thoughts on this matter please tell us about them in the comment section below.

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