
How to read your Bible

Many Christians love the Word of God but get bored of re-reading the same book over and over again. Then they would go to church and the pastor would remind them about the importance of reading the bible and they would get a sense of guilt. So they would go home and try to restart their bible reading life all over again to get lost in it again? Was that really what God had in mind when leaving us the Bible? Or is there a better way to read God’s word and be transformed by it?



Today we are going to get these answers from Dan Mohler. He is the type of minister that doesn't have a computer nor a famous ministry nor a theological education. He hasn't written books, he doesn't sell Christian courses. What distinguishes him from the rest is that he knows God, walks with Him, and has a real intimate relationship with Him. 

When he got saved back in 1995 and started to read his Bible, he would read two lines from a chapter, look up, and think - ‘Wow, do you actually see me that way?’ Then Dan would talk to the Lord about the revelation he just read about for 5-10 minutes and then read another line and get caught up on the next line again, astonished at what God is telling him. 

He wasn’t holding the bible and trying to read 5-10 chapters just to get his consciousness clear and brag to his friends that he managed to read the whole Bible in half a year. Instead, most of the time all he would focus on would be one paragraph and get overwhelmed about it. For example, he would read from Romans 5 that he has peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ and that he was justified by faith - reading just these two verses, Dan would go down on his knees and thank God that there is peace between him and the Lord. He would thank Him that He is not angry, disappointed at Dan and that sin does no longer separate us from God. He would sit on his bed, read one line of the Bible and have a 5 minute communion time, praising and worshiping God for what He is saying and promising us through His Word. 

Dan is encouraging us to do the same. What would happen would be that the longer we are saved, the longer we commune with God, the bigger that gets, and over time, we read less and commune more. Eventually what we are reading becomes life to us, not theology. What an amazing insight on communion Dan is giving us!

He is sharing a great example from Romans 5:

1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Does it say: glory in our sufferings? Does every Christian believe that? Because many Christians became Christians to avoid suffering and tribulations. Christians became Christians for well-being, protection, and provision. The motive of the nowadays Christian is being so exposed right here! There are so many preachings and teachings today that are just beneficial. Messages that serve us without transforming us. However, Paul here is writing from a surrendered place. You cannot discourage the man: beating him - they tried a bunch of times, stoning him - already tried that too, whipping him - done that too. But that couldn’t stop him. Why? He loved not his life unto the death. It wasn’t about Paul’s life, it was about God’s life. Paul wasn't a Christian for well-being and preservation - he is already preserved for eternity! He didn't become a Christian to survive.

Sometimes Christians can find their identity through what they are a part of, instead of what they became. Christians can serve in a ministry and find their identity through that ministry, thus, letting it take the place of knowing Him. However, eternal life is knowing Him. 

We can play songs and sing about Him all day, read scripture that talks about Him and never make personal contact with Him. We can let the music and the words take the place of the relationship that He paid for. Then knowledge can puff us up because we know all the answers but it's love that edifies (1 Corinthians 8:1). 

Dan is pastoring a lot and he is asking Christians different questions about what their day looks like, what their communion with God is like. What he found was that a lot of people listen to Christian music all day long but never commune with God, they never just took it personally and said ‘Wow, it's amazing that You see me that way.’ They would sing the song because they love the song but they never really engaged with God based on the revelation that that song was portraying.  

Speaking of that matter, Dan continues to talk about the fear that hit our earth through Covid 19, the hostility that hit the church, and the confusion that arose among Christians during the US election. This shows that we have not been established and grounded in love. Because of what all the profits said and then something else happened, Christians do not know what to believe anymore. But we shouldn’t be confused, instead, says Dan, we should wake up for one reason. No matter who the president would be, no matter what the prices of the gas would be, we do not wake up to survive, we wake up to shine! No matter what other stuff looks like, we will look like Him. So when He comes, we are going to have fruit on the tree. That sure beats fear, self-concern, anger, and frustration.  

‘’For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.’’ The Scripture is our weapon at all times and we need to use it first for communion with God. 

Reading less is better, speaking more to God about it - is best!


I’d love to know what you think about that and if you have other tips on how to read the Bible please tell us about them in the comment section below.

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